Saturday, February 27, 2010
Leaving for the US tomorrow!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Last Day at work!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Difference in Education continued – Hierarchy
Monday, February 22, 2010
Differences between the US and Japan - Education system:
I will attempt to do a brief analysis from the top down: “professors” à attendings à residents à medical students. The first day that I started working in the cardiac surgery department, I noticed a big difference from the US: there was no resident! The cardiac surgery department has about 10 staff surgeons, but only 3 of these 10 have the “professor” ranks. The professors usually are much older (at least 50) and have more experiences in operations. The other 7 are just attendings. How this works is that the “professors” are the real first operator in the OR, and the other attendings were merely assisting them during the case. Occasionally, the attendings will get to be the first operator, and the professors will assist, but these are only in straight-forward cases. Therefore, the attending surgeons actually act like the residents in the US in my opinion.
So where are all the residents? Apparently, most residents work in community/county hospitals where the standard of care and complexity of cases are lower than an academic hospital like Nagoya. It is interesting to note that in Japan, medical students graduating from med school will go do a 2-year internship year (very similar to the transitional year in the US, where they do rotations in all disciplines), and then go into specific residency of their choice. To specialize in some disciplines like CT surgery, there’s technically no “fellowship” like in the US; the residents that are finished with their residency will get hired by the specific department and start their training there (it’s more like an apprentice, in my opinion.)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Nagoya hospital pictures
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Differences between the US and Japan – Hospital medicine
In Japan (and like most places in Asia), patients stay in hospital MUCH longer than in the US for similar condition. For example, average hospital stay for a woman with a regular vaginal delivery without complication is 6-7 days, compared with 36-48 hrs in the US! Another example: I was told that a patient with an elective lap chole (laproscopic cholecystectomy) in Japan has an average stay of 3 days. In the US, the same type of patient can go home the same day! I feel that in Japan, the hospital really baby sits patients well and will not discharge patients until they feel 100% physically. In the US, on the other hand, as long as the patients are stable and show some early sign of improvement, they are discharged right away. I’m no public health expert, but I am pretty sure the skyrocketing health care cost in the US has something to do with it; the longer the patients stay in the hospital, the more money it costs BOTH the patients AND the hospital.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Cardiac Surgery
For my first two weeks of rotation in Nagoya, I worked in Cardiac surgery dept. I mainly worked with two main surgeons, Dr Usui and Dr Ueda. Both spoke good English, and they were extremely nice to me. They were really interested in my experiences in the US as a med student. As far as the cases go, I was lucky enough that every day during the two weeks there is a different operative case every day. They range from CABG (coronary artery bypass graft), valve replacement, aortic dissection, and thoracic aortic aneurysm repair. Unlike my two weeks of CT surgery in the US, where most cases were just CABG, it’s really an equal mixture of aortic arch/artery repair and CABG. I found aortic repair much more interesting (but also more challenging) than CABG. It definitely requires fine operative skills from a cardiac surgeon. There was one case where the entire surgery went for 19 hrs (!!) until 5am the next day because the whole descending thoracic aorta was reconstructed. Fortunately, they let me go home early at 4pm in the afternoon J